2009 Encode Medicine New Product Publish Meeting and Technology Seminar
Date: 2009-12-17
November 16, 2009
To celebrate our achievement in new products development which including, "Chlamydia trachomatis antigen testing kit (colloidal gold), Mycobacterium tuberculosis antibody (IgG) testing kit(colloidal gold)" have obtained state class Ⅲ registration in May this year,II register certificate of fungal identification kit (carbon assimilation method), sialidase bacterial vaginosis(BV)test kit after new technological reformation and the upcoming BV multi-test kit, 2009 Encode Medicine new product Publish Meeting and Technology Seminar was hold in Zhuhai Resort Hotel.

Welcome speech from Our general manager SunYifeng

Technical exchange

Visit new products booth
Tutorial from Doctor Hu

Participants photo